2021-06-04 17:08:39
Heparin can be discontinued on day 5 to 6 if the INR has been within the therapeutic range for 2 consecutive days.
2021-06-04 17:07:47
Heparin. Heparin works faster than warfarin, so it is usually given in situations where an immediate effect is desired.
2021-06-04 17:07:20
Although the metabolism of heparin is complex, it may, for the purpose of choosing a protamine dose, be assumed to have a half-life of about 1/2 hour after intravenous injection.
2021-06-04 17:06:57
Heparin is also used to prevent blood clotting during open-heart surgery, bypass surgery, kidney dialysis, and blood transfusions.
2021-06-04 17:06:35
The results suggest that heparin treatment prevents the development of severe fibrinoid vascular lesions and also attenuates the rate of the rise in systolic blood pressure; moreover, this reduction in blood pressure is not caused by a significant reduction in bloodvolume or an acute hypotensive effect of heparin.
2021-06-04 17:06:09
What are side effects of heparin?
2021-06-04 17:05:37
This medication is given by injection into a vein or under the skin as directed by your doctor.
2021-06-04 17:05:12
When HEPARIN SODIUM INJECTION is added to an infusion solution for continuous intravenous (IV) administration, invert the container at least six times to ensure adequate mixing and prevent pooling of the heparin in the solution.
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