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Precautions for use of Enoxaparin sodium
2021-07-21 10:08:17

Precautions for use of Enoxaparin sodium:

1. (1) Patients with liver dysfunction; (2) Patients with uncontrolled hypertension; (3) Patients with a history of peptic ulcer. (4) Women who are breastfeeding.

2. Enoxaparin sodium should not be mixed with other injections or intravenous infusions.

3. The ideal site for injection is the subcutaneous tissue in the center of the front or back abdominal wall when the patient is lying in bed. The injection should be performed alternately on the left and right sides. Do not push or pull the injection piston before injection to avoid inaccurate dosage or hematoma at the injection site.

4. Excessive injection can cause bleeding. It can be neutralized with protamine. 1mg of protamine can neutralize the anticoagulant effect of 1mg of enoxaparin sodium. High-dose protamine cannot completely neutralize anticoagulant factor Xa (up to 60%), but it can still maintain its antithrombotic effect.

5. Enoxaparin sodium should not be injected intramuscularly. The use of enoxaparin sodium during intrathecal/epidural anesthesia can cause prolonged or permanent paralyzed intraspine hemorrhage, and the risk of occurrence will increase due to postoperative epidural catheter placement. Carefully monitor the patient to prevent spinal and epidural hemorrhage. If neurological dysfunction is found, the drug should be stopped immediately.

6. In view of the fact that different low molecular weight heparins are not equivalent, different products are not used in the same course of treatment.

7. Enoxaparin sodium should not be used for more than 24 hours after opening the bottle.