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  • Related introduction of chondroitin sulfate sodium

    2023-05-11 17:10:36
  • China GMP heparin supplier

    2023-05-09 17:08:22
  • GMP Chondroitin Sulphate Calcium supplier China

    2023-04-28 17:04:40
  • Chondroitin Glucosamine Capsule function and efficacy of China

    2023-04-26 17:02:56
  • USP Heparin Sodium manufacture of China

    2023-04-24 17:00:43
  • USP Dalteparin Sodium supplier China

    2023-04-20 11:45:36
  • GMP Enoxaparin Sodium manufacture China

    2023-04-20 11:44:25
  • GMP Dalteparin Sodium manufacture China

    2023-04-14 11:20:36
  • A letter for all Dongchengstaff China

    2023-04-12 14:23:43
  • GMP Heparin Sodium supplier

    2023-03-28 08:54:05
  • DMF Parnaparin Sodium supplier China

    2023-03-25 11:51:46
    Heparin is an anionic sulfated aminoglucan. It is a heterogeneous substance with an average molecular weight of 12 000 and exists on the surface of many main cells. Commercial heparin sodium was extracted from pig intestines or cattle lungs. Heparin is composed of non branched low sugar chains with different lengths. D-glucosamine and D-glucuronic acid (or l-iduronic acid) are linked by glycosidic chains to form the basic disaccharide repeat of heparin chain. There are many substitutions in the repeated disaccharide sequence. It includes: R1: H or - oso3 group, R2: SO3 or - coch3 group, so that a few disaccharides form pentose sequence. The molecular weight of heparin is 3-30kda (most chains are 13-15kda).
  • DMF Heparin Sodium supplier China

    2023-02-01 14:48:25
    Heparin combined with the following drugs can increase the risk of bleeding: coumarin and its derivatives, aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics, dipyridamole, dextran, adrenocortical hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, etc.
  • USP Heparin Sodium manufacture China

    2023-01-12 14:46:59
    Heparin combined with the following drugs can increase the risk of bleeding: coumarin and its derivatives, aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics, dipyridamole, dextran, adrenocortical hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, etc.
  • Dongcheng Pharmaceutical Group:Heparin、Chondroitin、Chondroitin Glucosamine Capsule

    2022-12-28 14:44:57
    As a leader in the heparin industry, with the rich production experience and strong production capacity, Dongcheng Pharmaceutical continuously strengthens the perfection of heparin industry chain, with a vertically integrated industrial structure to ensure the product quality and traceability.

  • DMF Heparin Sodium manufacture China

    2022-12-06 14:43:37
    Heparin combined with the following drugs can increase the risk of bleeding: coumarin and its derivatives, aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics, dipyridamole, dextran, adrenocortical hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, etc.
  • A letter for all Dongchengstaff

    2022-11-15 14:40:33
    The current situation is still very serious. As pharmacuetical manufacturers, it is our mission and worth to work with doctors to provide drug ensurance for the epidemic areas. Coordinating with the government departments, we areseeking the permission of start-working of finished dosage section. We will strictly implement staff safety precautions in accordance with government’s requirements, and make our best efforts to provide anti-coronavirus drug support to the epidemic areas to achieve an early victory against the epidemic.
  • GMP Chondroitin Sulphate Calcium manufacture China

    2022-10-21 13:14:42
    Heparin is an anionic sulfated aminoglucan. It is a heterogeneous substance with an average molecular weight of 12 000 and exists on the surface of many main cells. Commercial heparin sodium was extracted from pig intestines or cattle lungs.
  • GMP Enoxaparin Sodium supplier China

    2022-10-19 10:06:29
    Heparin is an anionic sulfated aminoglucan. It is a heterogeneous substance with an average molecular weight of 12 000 and exists on the surface of many main cells. Commercial heparin sodium was extracted from pig intestines or cattle lungs.
  • DMF Parnaparin Sodium manufacture China

    2022-09-26 11:10:42
    Heparin combined with the following drugs can increase the risk of bleeding: coumarin and its derivatives, aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics, dipyridamole, dextran, adrenocortical hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, tissue plasminogen activator, urokinase, streptokinase, etc.
  • GMP Heparin Calcium supplier China

    2022-09-20 13:56:32
    Heparin is an anionic sulfated aminoglucan. It is a heterogeneous substance with an average molecular weight of 12 000 and exists on the surface of many main cells. Commercial heparin sodium was extracted from pig intestines or cattle lungs.
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