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Heparin sodium supplier manufacture analyzes the difference between heparin sodium and heparin lithium
2021-07-13 10:03:32

Heparin sodium supplier manufacture analyzes the difference between heparin sodium and heparin lithium:

① Sodium heparin anticoagulant is not suitable for whole blood cell analysis, while lithium heparin anticoagulant can be used for whole blood cell analysis within 1 hour;

② In terms of chemical and physical properties, lithium is chemically more stable than sodium, and sodium has more nuclear charges, and the accumulation of negatively charged PLT is faster than heparin lithium;

③Heparin sodium and heparin lithium are both a binding form of heparin, but the effective binding ions are different, and their dissociation degrees are also different. It can also be understood that heparin lithium is replaced from heparin sodium. ;

④The recommended dose range in the vacuum blood collection tube industry standard is also different, 9.4IU-28IU lithium heparin per milliliter of blood, and 12IU-30IU heparin sodium per milliliter of blood. (Usually 20IU per milliliter is used in blood collection tubes)

So do you now understand the difference between the two? Heparin is the best anticoagulant in the determination of blood chemical components. In addition to sodium and potassium, heparin salts also have ammonium salts. In addition, note that the classification of white blood cells and the test of platelet agglutination are not suitable for the examination of heparin as an anticoagulant. project.

The above is the summary of Heparin sodium supplier manufacture, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.