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Heparin can prevent caspase-11 dependent septicemia
2021-02-16 11:21:01

It is understood that heparin is a kind of mammalian polysaccharide, and it is also an anticoagulant drug widely used in the treatment of thrombosis. Ben Lu research group of Central South University found that heparin can prevent caspase-11 dependent septicemia death, which has nothing to do with its anticoagulant properties. The study was published online recently in the world-class academic journal immunization.

Researchers have shown that heparin prevents caspase-11 dependent immune response and lethality in sepsis, independent of its anticoagulant properties. Heparin or chemically modified heparin without anticoagulant function inhibited HMGB1 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) interaction and prevented glycocalyx degradation of heparanase macrophages. These events prevented the cytoplasmic transmission of LPS in macrophages and the activation of caspase-11, a cytoplasmic LPS receptor that mediates the lethality of sepsis. The survival rate of patients with sepsis treated with heparin was higher than that of patients without heparin.

The identification of this previously unknown heparin function established a link between innate immune response and coagulation.

It can also improve the outcome of sepsis, which is the main cause of death due to immune dysfunction caused by infection. Although it is relatively clear how heparin exerts its anticoagulant effect, the immunomodulatory mechanism of heparin is still a mystery.Source: BIOON

Related tags: GMP heparin